nitrate problems


hello i am having nitrate problems and any help i can get will be greatly tank is fairly new i started with crushed coral got most of the way through my nitrogen cycle my nitrates were staring to fall and i decided that i wanted to have sand as my substrate i changed all my cc to sand at one time and after did a 10% water change its been 3 weeks since and my nitrIte is at o.05 and my nitrAte is almost t 50ppm and has been for 2 weeks now what do you thik i should do?


i have a 65 gal i have a wet dry and a canister filter .. living in the tank i have 2 damsels and some austria snails and a blue leg hermit the damsels have been goin srong from the begining and the snails and hermit about a month now have had no casualties


i would add a refugium and put some cheato and clams in there and it should go away pretty fast. works for me