Nitrate question


New Member
I have a 5.5 gal running about 7 weeks it has a small watchman goby,an emerald crab, sexy shrimp, 5 hermits and 2 snails. After the cycle the trates were at 0ppm now I cant get them below 5ppm is this bad for fish and coral or is that an ok amount. The ph is at 8.2 the trites and amm are 0 Thanks


Active Member
that's definitely a tolerable level. 0 would be ideal but in a lot of situations/set ups its not feasible or really hard to achieve. you can take steps to reduce the levels without being a water change nut (though in my opinion you really have to do alot to do too many), try adding some chaeto if you don't have it. I would avoid rooting type macros because once they are in there even if you wanted to get rid of them all one little piece turns into more.