Nitrate question

I purchased 3 extra peppermint shrimp about 3 months ago. Around 2 months ago I noticed my nitrates were up to 25. At least 2 of my shrimp have babies every 2 weeks (this started when I purchased the new ones). Would the cycle of death from the hundreds of baby shrimp keep my nitrates so high? I do water changes bi-weekly 20% and I even purchased some nitrate rocks to help lower them. Nitrate has stayed at a constant 25.
Originally Posted by SaltWaterNoob
I purchased 3 extra peppermint shrimp about 3 months ago. Around 2 months ago I noticed my nitrates were up to 25. At least 2 of my shrimp have babies every 2 weeks (this started when I purchased the new ones). Would the cycle of death from the hundreds of baby shrimp keep my nitrates so high? I do water changes bi-weekly 20% and I even purchased some nitrate rocks to help lower them. Nitrate has stayed at a constant 25.
yes that could contribute.