nitrate removal from reef tank


I seem to be having a bit of a nitrate problem... although I guess I am still lucky at this point...
It tests out a bit less than or around 20ppm or mg/L.
I will continue water changes as I have been doing (about 10% every day) but im getting nowhere fast... or maybe somewhere really slowly...
Does anyone have any experience with any of the nitrate absorbing filter media... how does it work... is it cost effective vs. (salt)water changes..? Any comments would be greatly appreciated!!


What kind of filtration do you have? DSB or crushed coral? How many fish, etc? Feedling less and a big skimmer would probalby help. Do you have a sump?


We had a saltwater tank at school in my senior year, and the nitrates ended up way past being in the "dangerous" level. We did water changes every day for a week and a half, and nothing happened. Then we changed half of the tank's water at once (I do NOT recommend this) and nothing changed.
Then we bought AmQuel+.
It's the best thinkg anyone ever invented lol. Just follow the disage directions according to what size tank you have, and your problem will probably be cleared up within a few days.
Good luck! :jumping:


75 gal, 90 lbs fiji rock, 6 inches of caribsea aragonite w/ plenum, ETSS sump and reef devil skimmer, one yellow tang, one Clarkii clown, cleanup crew...
Has anyone tried De*Nitrate... or any of the other nitrate removal stuff?
Anyone else have good experience wih AmQuel+?


Active Member
How often do you clean out your filter socks? They might be a possible nitrate factory but maybe not. Hw long has the tank been set up for?


the tank is almost a year old...
great point about the filter sock... I removed that completely about a week ago... I have 3 of them and rotate... but I had become a bit lax.... I have been running for a week without a sock and last night I put a freshie in and ill change that out quickly too.... great idea... i hope Ive covered it
Thank you very much...


I introduced about 400g seachem De*nitrate in a magnum 350 yesterday... Ill let you know how it goes...
my levels were just below 20 mg/l... by RedSea and seatest kits... what a pain when you want to know exact levels!!!


AZ NO3 works great, but you need a skimmer.
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