Active Member
i just transfered my 55 gallon reef to its new home, a 75 gallon tank. This transfer was done about a week and a half ago. i used new aragonite and kept all of my live rock with an addition of about 30 lbs cured LR. I transferred all of my water plus some water that was used in my buddies tank to make up the water needed for the transfer. My buddies water is pretty good and they are very anal about their quality so im sure the rise didnt come form that. I tested my nitrite and there was nothing there. my nitrate was about 5-10 ppm maybe even a little higher. i dont know what is going on here, maybe a little cycle? i dont know why it would do that though. Has anyone heard of nitrate climbs after a tank swap? my 2 HOB filters should be good for now, but i am building my 29 gallon sump as i type. That should be up by next monday. As for now i am just going to keep doing water changes. I am using RO/DI water too. I was not using RO/DI in the previous tank however, but im pretty sure my nitrates were okay about a month ago prior to the swap.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?