Nitrate Sponge


How long does it take for a nitrate sponge to start showing effect on your tank? I have a 46 gallon tank and added the sponge yesterday morning. I tested the water this evening when I got home from work and it was still holding steady at 40 ppm. Just curious to know when I may start seeing some results. Thanks. :notsure:


I thought my Nitrates were off the charts 100ppm!!!! so I added nitrate sponge then after 3-5 months found out it was my test kit! it was old. food for thought. if you haven,t have LFS test your H20. just a thought


For now, do a water change. You best bet will be to find the cause of the nitrates, and try to eliminate it.


i added a nitrate sponge the same time i added my hang on back fuge. Nitrates went down to 0 from 15 but i am pretty sure the macro in the fuge had more to do with it than the sponge.


I've been doing about a 20% weekly water change for the last 5 weeks with little change in my nitrate levels. I'm sure this is due to the CC. I'm going to try the easy outs before I convince myself to go through with changing to sand.
Thats a good idea about having the LFS check my water. My test kit is 4 years old. Maybe that has something to do with the readings (I hope so anyway!!)