Nitrate Spounge


Has anyone used this product from Kent?
Is it used to lower Nitrates if you get a spike, and if so can you stop using it once the nitrate levels go back down. Or is it a product that has to be used all the time?
Hi total, I havent used that stuff butI did add, aquamarine nitrate reducer after we put in the live sand, I didnt feel the nitrates were going down fast enough but,after about ten days they did go down , I dont know if it was the sand or the reducer but they went down. This stuff works into the substrate and then grows the benificial bacteria, hope this helps, ..cya ;)

mr . salty

Active Member
If you are refering to the KENT MARINE brand/type,you have to leave it directly in the flow of water for at least two months before it starts to work.Then you must replace one third of it every month.Then after all this time and work,it only removes 20% of the total reading. Example(if your reading is 100ppm,it will lower it to 80ppm).Thats alot of time,money,and work for 20ppm. I tryed it,and quite after a month.I finnally got mine down by installing a DIY algae refugium,and replacing the CC with live sand.And reducing the number of fish in the setup.


Active Member
Nitrate sponges are bandages and can leech chemicals into the tank that are harmful to corals. Water changes are the best reduction method when you don't have natural nitrate reduction occuring in the tank.