ny reef

OK can anyone answer this when all levels in your tank are normal except Nitrate which mine is 50 I did a water change and brought it to 30. Is it possible that they are hi because I need to add algae control package I mean will this help right now I have 3 emerald crabs, serpant star, tang, damsel , 3 chromis.. If anyone can help please.... <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Active Member
Algae will actully consume nitrates.
Nitrates are common in many systems and this is why many aquarists try to provide a place for the bacteria that will break down nitrates. Oxygen deprived areas such as in a DSB is where you will find the bacteria that is much different then the bacteria that breaks down ammonia and nitrites.
Other common methods used to keep nitrates low are water changes, algae scrubbers/refugiums, reduced feeding, and protien skimming.


the algae control package, I don't think will have any real effect on your nitrates, certainly not down anyway. For most hobbiests, water changes are the only way to keep those nitrates in check--unless your planning on some sensitive corals or something nitrates in the 30 range are acceptable (not ideal but acceptable non the less.)
Good Luck


Active Member
I had a problem wwith trates in my old tank. I am the worst about overfeeding my tank. I still am but had to take other measures to stay on top of it. I use a wet dry, a beefed up biological filter(4in dsb and 2lb per gallon of lr) as well as a refugium and a huge skimmer. Now I have no problems at all and my fish and corals are not only happy, but fat to!!!
I too had high trates. then i added a refugium about a year and a half ago, and now my trates are at a constant 0ppm. i don't even do water changes! ;)