

New Member
Dum question
Had a problem 2 weeks ago with PH got that fixed with water change and some buffer also now run a Airstone in the sump which helps keep the PH up. Still have a problem with Nitrate LFS tells me about a Anarobic Brick that will help remove this but have not found anyone that sells it yet.
Has any one come across this or have any surgestions on how to keep it the level down.


I would do small water changes until you get it down. Make sure your not over feeding. How big is your tank?


New Member
Tank is a 72g have so far done 2 water changes one of 5g the other 10g planning to do another tonight of 10g.


I have a 100 gallon and my nitrates went throught hte roof. Im still doing small water changes to get it down. Ill do about 20 gallons every 4 days.


New Member
how much nitrate (ppm) are you getting in your tests?
What is in your tank (fish only? Inverts?)
~~some web site for salt supplies carry denitrifying units that are costly. I have heard good things about these units. In theory, it would be ideal b/c it would complete the cycle in a fish tank and therefore lead to no water changes :)


New Member
Nitrate is at around 40ppm it was higher but have got it down a small amount with the water changes.
I have in the tank at present
1 x Lion
1 x Snow Flake Eel
1 x Blue Jaw Trigger
1 x Panther Grouper
1 x Imperator Angle
3 x Blue Leg Hermets
1 x Med Hermit
40LB Live rock
2 x Clams
3 bags live sand
Just lost the Blennie


New Member
long term:
I recomend about 1.25 pounds of live rock per a gallon (that will help)
have you ever considered a refugium? In my opinion...the refugium units will lead the way in salt water filtration. A deep (4-6 inch) sand bed and lots of colerpa is a great way to control nitrate.
Short term:

small water changes... :rolleyes:


Water changes are the short -term way to go but remember that exporting nitrate through water changes takes some time. The water change dilutes the nitrate in the same percentage as the amount of water changed. So, if you do a 10% water change (about 7 gallons for you) you'll reduce your nitrates by 10% ( from 40 to 36 ppm ).
Long term.......I think your tank is, or is going to be, way overstocked with the fish you have. Unless you reduce your livestock, I think you're in for continuing water quality problems.


New Member
Been following guide lines on how many fish and size for the tank I have, what would you surgest for this size of tank.


"Rule of thumb" is one inch of fish to every 5 gallons of water. Fish inches should be estimated for an adult sized fish.
You mentioned you had a 72 gallon tank. That's about 15 inches of fish, under normal curcumstances. Your grouper alone, when fully grown, may exceed that limit.
You also need to consider filtration and how much waste your livestock will cause. You don't have much live rock or live sand for your tank size so unless you have a super sump or lots of mechanical filtration, your filtration won't make it safe for extra fish inches. Most of the animals you have are aggressive, messy eaters who, inch for inch, will cause more waste than normal....which actually reduces the fish inches you should keep.
Don't panic. If the fish are small, you've got lots of time to plan their future. But do plan. As I said, IMO the water quality issues you're seeing now are the beginning of what might be bigger problems if you don't move most of those fish to larger quarters.


New Member
They are currently small have planned bigger tank for when we move to the new house approx 300g built into a wall.
What could I add to get some extra filtration for now as I do not want to loose what I have.


I agree with grateful1's suggestion to add more live rock and a refugium. If you add lr be sure it's well cured before you put it in your tank. If it's not cured you could cause your tank to cycle again, which would be deadly for your fish.
BTW, the 300 sounds great. I'm jealous.....and I wish you luck with that one!!


New Member
I think I am going to try the Refugium as putting more rock in could cause more problems I have space next to the wet/dry to add a small tank.