Nitrates and cleaning crew


I wondering if high nitrates will kill a cleaning crew? My tank hasn't cycled yet and I'm starting to get brown alge every where. I am thinking of getting a cleaning crew already but is it too soon? Also I have live sand, am I supposed to siphon it like CC or just let it sit? as far as maintenence?


Active Member
what are all of your water readings?? ammonia spiked yet? nitrites??
what if someone told u that u had to go to work at the chemical factory, even tho there was a small leak of toxins at your station... but they said, hey.. its just a small leak.... would u go to work?


What's that got to do with my question? I'm wondering if it would harm a cleaning crew? Ammonia is 1.5 and nitites are 3.3+. And To answer your question I'd go to work and fix the leak.


New Member
wait until your tank has fully cycled (ammonia = 0, nitrites = 0). by the sound of your numbers, this could take about 2-3 more weeks at least. then perform a 20% water change to reduce your high nitrates. it may take a while for the nitrates to come may have to do a series of 10-15% changes.
to keep your algae under control, don't run your lights at all during the next few weeks. also, make sure your tank isn't receiving any sunlight as this will lead to algal blooms. running your skimmer (if you have one) is fine during the remaining few weeks of your cycle.
depending on your tank size, once the cycle is complete, add a cleanup crew. nassarius snails are best, along with some hermit crabs.


Active Member
I agree, don't get a clean up crew yet. Your algae bloom is diatoms and normal for a new tank.


Active Member
what i am getting to is that your water is still toxic to creatures that u want to put in.. it may not kill them, but will harm them.. its a question that answers itself.. all levels 0 = good environment for creatures..
sorry if u took it offensive.. but the fish cannot fix the toxicity in the water like u said u would do at work.. there are soo many posts about adding things when the tank isnt done cycling, and people just dont seem to want to understand it, or spend the time to look for them.. the reason i asked your other levels in ur tank were because u have diatoms.. a natural thing that occurs with new tanks..
on another note, its kinda hard to siphon sand, u will suck alot of it up and stir up the bedding...
you could cut back on the hours of lighting per day and that will help the algae
hang on a little longer.. if u can do so.. and wait until all levels are 0.. then add crew and first fish..
you will be much happier with the results..
lots of posts deal with cycling, and if u search, u can find them..


Ok thanks for everyones info. I have more live rock coming this week. I diddn't buy enough the first time. So what I'll do I'll add it then let it cycle again and then take it from there.
The siphoning sand question was because lets say I get poop from the fish everywhere does that naturally break down or will this just sit there until I clean it myself. Sorry for such a newB ?