nitrates go up with a water change


why would my nitrates go up after a water change? i tested the day before the change and got just over 10 and the day after the change it was over 20


Have you tested your supply water for nitrates?It may be in your supply water?
Did you stir up the sand bed?


Active Member
is your water TAP WATER and does it have nitrates in it. Most municiple water systems use chlorimine which in ammonia and chlorine mixed. Well, as we all know, ammonia turns into nitrites and then nitrates. Also most Tapwater has Nitrates in it. Test the water for nitrates before you add it to the tank. Also, make sure that the test isnt an error. Make sure it wasnt a faulty test.


Active Member
If you are going through a heavy cycle it could happen that the decay is polluting the tank more then the water change would help clean up.
my tap water has 20ppm of nitrates and 25-50ppm of ammonia so it could be your tap water if that is what you are using just a fyi
tds usally around 130-150 witch i was told is low but the water is bad!!!


Active Member
Did you stir up the sand before, during, or after the water change? Have you re-tested? Could even be faulty test.
You should check levels before the water change and a day or two after.


i tested before hand and got about 10 tested a day after and got 20 i didn't use tap water and i didn't touch the sand. i took the sponges out and cleaned them up in the old water. and i put the new water in the back of the tank.


Active Member
How many filters did you change? Any other cleaning? It's recommended to do cleaning of equipment and filters on a rotating schedule. Could be the cause. I'd try a 20% change.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, personally I wouldn't have cleaned EVERYTHING at once, I would have just cleaned a couple of pieces of equipment at a time, therefore you aren't totally distroying your bacteria cultures.