Nitrates! ! Help


you have to be kidding me what is the problem
i checked my nitrates 2 weeks ago and did about a 30 gallon waterchange i have a 140 tank then they bearly went down so today i did a 40g waterchange and just got all done and checked my parameters there all fine except nitrates its still at like 80! like what is the problem im doin water changes close together i dont have any excess food on the bottom i have a clean up crew my filters are all clean !???? help
any comments suggestions are appreciated


Originally Posted by cafero702
you have to be kidding me what is the problem
i checked my nitrates 2 weeks ago and did about a 30 gallon waterchange i have a 140 tank then they bearly went down so today i did a 40g waterchange and just got all done and checked my parameters there all fine except nitrates its still at like 80! like what is the problem im doin water changes close together i dont have any excess food on the bottom i have a clean up crew my filters are all clean !???? help
any comments suggestions are appreciated

Using RO/DI water?
Are you using tap water?
do a check on your water source see what it reads. I use tap water and i was also haveing a problem with trates and it was my water not my tank.


Originally Posted by slt wtr stupid
Are you using tap water?
do a check on your water source see what it reads. I use tap water and i was also haveing a problem with trates and it was my water not my tank.
yes i am using tap water like its purifyed but its from the tub fosset ill test it right now! lol im laugh when it is omg
what did you to stop that like what do you use as a water source now?? instead of the tap


for a tank that large it is definately worth getting an RO unit. It will pay for itself eventually.


Originally Posted by bs21
for a tank that large it is definately worth getting an RO unit. It will pay for itself eventually.
what does that do ?? how much do those run for? they just clean your water really good before you put it in the tank or....??


the RO unites do you need a sump for that?? i just hook it up when i do water changes or what?? or would it be an attachment on a sump? because i dont have a sump hooked up to my 140


no it has nothing to do with a sump, you can just use it attached to a sink, or plumb it inline. This is a great way to get all the chemicals out of the water, just google it and you can read about the 3 step process.


Active Member

It's hard to believe you have 300 post and don't know what a RO unit is.
Please do a little more reaserch.
For us to beable to help you please list as much info as you can so we can find the source.
Age of tank-
# of LR/LS-
GPH(gallons per hour)-
Please list actual numbers for what you test for-amm., nitrites, nitrates,SG, temp., cal., alk., ph., etc
How often do you do water changes?
What do you feed and how often?
Anything else you think may help.
Will find it eventual.
RO/DI units are pretty pricey RO not as bad. Do you have and plants in your sump like Cheato or other Macros they will eat up your Nitrates but they have to be pruned every couple of weeks or so, i dont have a sump and will be adding it to my DT until i get one, also do you have a protein skimmer they will take alot of the stuff out that cause nitrates to go up. Just a few suggestions.


Originally Posted by slt wtr stupid
RO/DI units are pretty pricey RO not as bad. Do you have and plants in your sump like Cheato or other Macros they will eat up your Nitrates but they have to be pruned every couple of weeks or so, i dont have a sump and will be adding it to my DT until i get one, also do you have a protein skimmer they will take alot of the stuff out that cause nitrates to go up. Just a few suggestions.

yes i have a super skimmer pro
i have macro algae just in my tank my tangs munch on it so often its the bushy type stuff im not positive on the name
but i have so much bio i heard that could be the problem i have bio wheels bio rings, balls, and 100p of LR and all live sand
is that too much bio??? that can cause nitrates ya?


you also can get ro water at most Wal-Marts look for the water despising machine buy a 5 gal container it cost about 1.25 for the 5 gal some other store has the water machine in front of them also


Originally Posted by ANinaFish
When was the last time you cleaned your bioballs?
i have never cleaned them. ever from what i understand you should never touch them is this true?? i took of my bio wheels already should i clean or take out bio balls also?


yes clean them, but not all at one time. They rarely need to be cleaned but with your traites as high as they are I would started with 50% of them and the next week the other 50%. Please anyone jump in if they disagree


Originally Posted by ANinaFish
yes clean them, but not all at one time. They rarely need to be cleaned but with your traites as high as they are I would started with 50% of them and the next week the other 50%. Please anyone jump in if they disagree
really ill try that because a couple people suggested getting rid of them all together that all my live rock and live sand is like natrual enough for them like they will take care of my ammonia and trites but i dont really like that idea.
ill clean half of them and then the next half next week


If you have the time to clean them every once in a while I would keep them. There is really no such thing as to much filtration and when they are in good shape they do work well. If you do decide to get rid of them though make sure you do it slowly. It will

with your bioload if you drop them to quick.


Can I but in for a sec? I'm sorry, I don't mean to steal your thread, but I am having the same problem...
I realized my canister was way packed with crap, so I did a thorough rinse of the bio balls in the existing water, then changed 10 gal on my 55 gal- the trates went down to 5 but then went back up to 15. I then changed out the Carbon, and did another 8 gal water change. That was yesterday, and the trates are still at 15. Could there just be something dead in my tank? I havnet seen my cleaner clams in a while....