Nitrates high with new additions


Is it normal to have a nitrate increase after adding new stuff to the aquarium? We just added a cleaning crew, (24 scarlet reef hermits, 24 turbo snails, 2 emerald crabs, and about 24 tiny blue leg hermits) a feather duster, 2 condi's, and 2 flower anem. Did we overload the system?
72 gal bow front
Ammonia = 0
Nitrites = 0
SG 1.023 - 1.024
pH = 8.2
Nitrates = 40
I did about a 10% water change yesterday, but they haven't gone done as of today. HELP! :help:

sinner's girl

yep, do another water change, 20% or so. 40 isn't killer for fish or most inverts, but of course you want them lower.
though the inverts shouldn't have done it...unless you started feeding them, or I've never seen mine increase after adding inverts. what's a flower anem?


The tanks are at the children's museum that I work at, so over- feeding has been a problem in the past. I'll have to make sure that's not my problem.
The flower anem. I have a picture on another thread in the clowns and anem. forum. Check it out.