nitrates still too high


I have a well established 25 gallon tank... cycling my 55... then transfer. My nitrates are still high in my 25 gallon..i believe the problem lies in the substrate, i used CC... bad idea i guess. I have now learned that this is not a good base to use because food getting stuck in it. Do you think this is why i have high levels? I just cleaned my protein skimmer throughly! just to make sure it was not it causing the problem. One of my fish has died because of this and i am kind of worried.. i use a cpr bakpak and a fluval 204 canister filter on 25 gal tank. could this be a problem?Any advice would be well appreciated.. thanks

sea goblin

what do you have stocked in the tank? the crushed coral defenitly could be a problem. Do you vaccum it at all to clean out the food and waste? If not then i would suggest doing so.
Sea Goblin


Active Member
I just cleaned out my CPR and it was disgusting. Trates dropped by 40ppm and it hadn't been cleaned in a month and a half!!! CC is a nitrate trap if you dont keep it vaccumed. Inhabitants and levels would be helpful as fshhub so elegantley put it:D