Nitrates/Trites have spiked


my nitrates and nitrites have spiked suddenly. Nitrates are 12.5 and nitrites are .05 to .1
are water changes over the next few days the best way to reduce them? tank has been running for 9 months with no prior issues.
I only feed once/day, all other levels are within the "green" area... PH 8.2, temp 78-79, ammonia is 0. alkalinity is in th 1.7-2.8 range.
lights are on 10 hours a day. I use RO/DI water. 40G long tank. 50 lbs live rock and 40 lbs of sand/LS.
I also noticed that my coral beauty has gone and wedged itself into a crevice and is not acting normal. is this spike related to that?