Nitrates/water change


New Member
Hello all,
Need some advise. We have a 46 gal. Bow tank that has been set up since January. DH tested the water and everything was fine except nitrates were off the chart (LFS tested that as we didn't have a test kit for that, DH saw it, a very dark red color) they said that we need to do a 10 gal. change everyday for 5 days with Marine buffer added. (we buy ro/di from them) (This will be day 4)DH is at the store now getting more water, as we do this the same time every night. We have a pretty green color on the walls of the tank now.
Does this seem right?
We have a yellow tang, clown blue damsel, bleenie and some yellow and purple small fish which I guess were okay they will probably die now from shock lol.
Thanks for all help


She said she uses RO/DI from the LFS.
I am also lowering nitrates, however i'm not doing waterchanges every day. But they are getting lower and i'm noticing a green film on my glass too. Can someone say if this is normal or what is happening.