

New Member
I just got my first test kit about a month ago "red sea".
I have had my 25ish gallon tank up for about 4-5 months.
cc, ugf, which i know are bad for nitrates and a hang on filter. I have one clown fish, 2 turbo snails, 4 blue leg hermits, and a feather duster.
I just did the 10% water change last week and the nitrates are at 10-20ppm again!!!
no nitrites and almost .25 amonia. But it's hard to tell yellow from greenish yellow. closer to yellow though.
Is this normal?
Should I do another change so soon?
I would like no ppm!!!! is that possible?


Active Member
10% water change will only drop nitrates by 10%
If nitrates were 20ppm and you changed 10%, they would still be 18ppm. The test kit woukdn't show difference.
Ammonia of .25 is not good. Any sanils etc missing?
People will say rip out UGF and start fresh I bet.


Active Member
Is this a FO, FOWLR or a reef tank? If it is a FO or a FOWLR then do not worry about nitrates of 10-20, they are in a fine range for fish it is only when you have corals that you need to worry about nitrates, If they get to much above 40 then you may need to do something about them, just be sure you are vacuming the cc and doing regular water changes and things should be fine. Of course I would always recommend that you remove the UG filter and the CC but you should know that your levels are fine for a FOWLR.


Active Member
but you should know that your levels are fine for a FOWLR
Ammonia is .25 :eek:


Active Member

Originally posted by col
Ammonia is .25 :eek:

My Red Sea test kit shows zero amm. the same way (slightly greenish-yellow). Test your prepared salt water before your water change to get a base reading. Then compare to your tank water.