

New Member
what is a natural way to lower nitrates. i have a sailfin tang with pits i tested the water and the nitrates were high. i do have nitrate reducer stones and did a water change. which helped alolt. i am looking for a more long term fix. thanks everyone.


A deep sand bed has been the answer for me. I switched from cc to sand about 10 months ago. It is much easier for me to take care of it and my nitrates are undetectable. It has also taken care of the bad green algea while boosting my coralline algea growth.
I am sure there are other suggestions but this one worked for me.


New Member
i have about 2-2.5" of sand in the bottom. i only have a sailfin tang and a bicolor blennie, and three hermit crabs. i have been changing my water once a week to keep the nitrates down. it is about 2 feet form a window the blind is always pulled. can i use plants to balance them out thanks guies or the reply


Staff member
I firmly believe that nitrates is a causation factor for HLLE, which is what you are discribing here.
Can you give a complete rundown of your aquarium setup, including filtration, sandbed type, etc., etc.
What is your nitrate and phoshate reading?


New Member
i have a 70 gallon hex tank, and a cascade 1000 canister filter, sand bottom. my nitrates are 100-200 ppm dependent on the time of the water change it is mesured by a stick indicater so its not real accurate. every thing else looks ok for levels. plants live on nitrates right? would some plants or live rock fix my problem.


Staff member
I'm afraid the canister filter is the culprit. Do you have live rock, or are using live sand?? What kind of substrate do you have?


Staff member
The way you have your tank set up is the culpruit of your nitrates. I suggest that you not have angelfish or tangs in this tank as nitrates tend to cause HLLE.
What about LR?
To lower or get rid of nitrate, you will have to redesign your setup. LR, LS, refugium, etc. Mechanical filters such as canisters, wet-drys, etc., do not complete the export process of nutrients in your tank. They do excellent with ammonia, nitrites but stop there. A more natural type of setup will eliminate this problem.
For instance, I have no mechanical filters in my tank. It never cycled and I have had zero readings from day one.
Do a Serach here on HIGH Nitrates, Nitrate problem, etc., so you can get various input. But I can tell you with certainty that your problem is your setup. If you added a few more inches of LS and added LR, you would likely resolve most of the problem. As I said, do a search here for more input on nitrates.