Nitrite Spike


I just did a water change on Saturday. Everything tested ok. The only issue was phosphate. I added Phosphate Sponge to my filter. It did drop the phosphate, but I just lost a coral angel, and my water tested very high nitrites. Is there any correlation between the two, what could have caused this spike. My tank is over 10 months old.


Well, the nitrites are going down. I removed the Phosphate sponge, and added carbon. The nitrites are down. it is reading about .1. it was about .5. It is wierd.
Oh well...


Actually the nitrates stayed constant. I am pretty sure it had to do with the new fish. I added a star and an angel at the same time. I think the system could not handle it for what ever reason. After 2 days, the nitrates went down. I will probably do a water change this weekend.