nitrites issues!


i jus checked my water.. 12th day cycle. 80lbs of uncured LR.
ammonia is at 8.5
nitrates is at 160
nitrites i have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE!! my nitrite water color changed to a bronzish color.. the color PH would be at 7.8. I did it twice, and still its that bronze color.. the nitrite chart doesnt have that color, so i got no idea what my nitrite readin is..


Active Member
Don't worry about it for now, wait until your ammonia has dropped.
I can't remember which way round it is but if you have nitrites it gives you a false nitrate reading (or other way round).


let your system get the nitrogen fixing bacteria in it. This means you have to wait till all your levels subside a bit.


Active Member
Unfortunately :(
I've had a 10 gal tank cycling for about a month now and it's still not ready.