nitrites revisited (tap water)


Thanks again for all your help. Something someone said in reply to my earlier post made me think to check the water from the source. I've been using the tap water that I've treated with amquel and then allowed to sit for 24 or more hours to top off the tank or for water changes. I tested the water for nitrites straight out of the tap just now. It tests 1.5! ACK! No wonder my tank stays high! My tank levels are better than the tap water! (Glad I use a Brita for drinking water.) Now I've got to figure out a source of better water. Thanks again.


Have you tried switching test kits.
I would doubt that a brita water filter would get out nitrite. Personally I would start to buy bottled drinking water and this coming from someone who refuses to buy bottled water based on the principle of the idea.
Buying water for fish though I wouldn't even blink an eye. LOL :D


Active Member
Britas will not remove organic nutrients(nitrites, nitrates, phosphares etc.)
I recommend purchasing a Jack Watleys Tap Water Purifier or an RO-DI unit.
All tapwater is trash water.


I used bottled water for a tank and had horrible algae problems (diatoms). Since I've started using RO there is no problem.
Bottled water can contain phosphates, which will just give you scuz algae (and headaches). Doesn't your LFS sell RO water? It's worth checking into.


My LFS doesn't sell RO water. I checked. The only real advice they've able to give me was to avoid using Reef Crystal as opposed to Instant Ocean because of the high phosphate content of the water where I live. However, someone gave me a name of a guy who has 9 tanks and said I might be able to work out a deal of some sort with him.
Bottled water can contain phosphates, which will just give you scuz algae (and headaches). Doesn't your LFS sell RO water? It's worth checking into.


Try a grocery store for RO water. It's usualy pretty cheap. I get mine at Cub Foods for 35 cents a gallon.


If you look around at the grocery stores some of the bottle water is manufactured using RO method.


I went out tonight and bought a new test kit from a different company. Want to guess the results? No nitrites or nitrates. I should have known my tank was doing ok as the anenome is growing. <breathes heavy sigh of relief>. I have an appointment tomorrow after I get off work to have my water tested at the LFS just to be sure! Thank you.
<STRONG>Have you tried switching test kits.
Buying water for fish though I wouldn't even blink an eye. LOL :D</STRONG>[/QUOTE]