
My tank is 3 yrs old. It was moved from one house to the other. I did save all the water all 225 gallons of it. The move took 5 hours. This was 3 weeks ago All fish are doing well. Lg Lion ,, Emperor angle, Power blue tang and another Angel. I not sure of the name it is a brownish color with Green stipes. The only problem is I took a Nitite reading and its at .25 for the last 2 days in a row. Do I need to be concerned right now. All other conditios are good.


Active Member
When you move your tank, it's possible that it will go through a mini cycle. When i moved mine, nothing happend. I was waiting a week for any spike, testing water several times a day, but nothing happened.
Is your fish in the tank right now? If yes, it's bad idea. You can stress them.


Active Member
There's a product by Kent Marine "Ammonia detox" that can lower suddenly spiked ammonia and nitrite down to 0.0 ppm within 10-20 minutes. It worked for me several times in one of my previous set ups. I still always have one bottle of this product in case something will happen.