reef dude
I've had my 90 gal up and running for 2 and a half months. I added 2 true perculas about a week ago, while the nitrogen bubbles were still being produced immensely. This millions of N2 bubbles in my sand that are constantly rising to the surface, literally, constantly! will they affect any of the fish? Can i add fish while this process is still in effect?
These bubbles have been present for about at least 3-4 weeks, no sign of letting up either. My nitrates were at about 10 ppm, you think they are helping that go down? how long will these bubles last for?
These bubbles have been present for about at least 3-4 weeks, no sign of letting up either. My nitrates were at about 10 ppm, you think they are helping that go down? how long will these bubles last for?