Nitrogen Cycle


My tank has been cyling with uncured LR for about 10 days now. My ammonia is off the charts, but my nitrites and nitrates are still zero. Is this normal? Also, I have a large outbreak of brown algae even though I used RO water. Is that normal too?

nm reef

Active Member
Ammonia will rise and peek followed by a spike in nitrites the ammonia and nitrite fall nitrates will spike then fall...when all are stable at zero your cycle is done. The algaes will be present throughout the process but normally right around the time the cycle completes. Be patient and ride it out...what type tests are you using?:cool:
with uncured LR, the ammonia spike will be significant, and the cycle can be lengthy (6 weeks). with cured LR (having some die-off on it), this starts a cycle, without producing as much ammonia, with the cycle lasting 3~4 weeks. make sure you provide good circulation with a powerhead.