NM, Bang, or Kip


New Member
Due to the problem with one certain individual, I am one of those who chose to leave. However, I have been lurking and read the thread posted by NM talking about the beautiful reef tanks posted by the members of this board and highlighting Steve Weast's (sp) massive tank...
My question is this, due to an upcoming cross-country move, I have begun breaking down my tank and have taken this opportunity to upgrade my lighting, filtration, and make a couple of minor repairs to some plumbing. But what I really want to know is with the thinner sand bed that was discussed in the thread I mentioned before that Steve uses in his tank, does he use egg crate or anything else under his rock?
I am one of those who do not care for the looks of the DSB and would like to try my hand at Steve's method and see if it can work for me. My only concern is rocks falling over and since there is not the thick layer of sand to cushion the rock's fall, and no sand in some places, what is there to keep falling rocks from breaking the glass?
Thanks to you all for the caring way you look out for all the true and dedicated members of this board. Sometimes it takes a radical action to to get the proper reaction! :happyfish


Active Member
You might want to give a product called Starboard some consideration. It's a marine grade polymer (reminiscent of a cutting board) that's typically used in boating applications, but laying a sheet across the bottom of your tank will provide some protection for the bottom glass. Starboard is really conducive to growing coralline and encrusting corals.