NM reef--help please!


Hi. I am in NM also and want to know where you go to get good LR in NM? I am in Albuquerque. I am new to the saltwater hobby and am running a 110 gal salt tank, well, my husband is mostly and I am trying to learn. I am about to get metal halide lights for the tank and one of our LFS told me that they don't make metal halide fixtures--"you have to put the lights in your existing hood".
Since, I know better from reading, thought I would ask you where I might go for better help.


Active Member
Unfortunately, NM has been absent for a few weeks now. Hopefully he will check in and see your message, though.


I would strongly suggest looking into the L/R from this site ( salwaterfish.com). I orrdered some the other day, got here fast and looks great, very little die off.


i wouldnt believe a word that comes out of that LFS guy's mouth again if he told you that about MH lights.


Thanks for all the advice everyone. I have been reading the boards for awhile and finally decided to stop just reading and join in the fun.
Have never kept saltwater before and have gotten the bug in a bad way!
By the way, I don't trust much the LFS says after reading what you all post on here. I haven't found any one local who knows as much as I do and that's scary because I just started reading!
I actually have about 30# of rock coming from one of the members here. Will probably need more for my 110 gal tank as I have read that 1 pound per gallon is a good amount. Is that about right? If so, I will definitely order from here next.
Yes 1-2 lb per gallon
Mh lights usally go into a home made canopy or a compete fixture that hangs and makes the room very bright! Check out ***** and let me know if you need anymore help!


I live in Albuquerque and have been in SW tanks for 30 years. I have found 1 LFS here in town that's very knowledgeable. I'd be more than happy to help you out. shoot me an email via this site and I'll get the info to you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by craig7220
I live in Albuquerque and have been in SW tanks for 30 years. I have found 1 LFS here in town that's very knowledgeable. I'd be more than happy to help you out. shoot me an email via this site and I'll get the info to you.
No one can email you. The site does not permit email communications:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rackyrane
I am about to get metal halide lights for the tank and one of our LFS told me that they don't make metal halide fixtures--"you have to put the lights in your existing hood".
Since, I know better from reading, thought I would ask you where I might go for better help.
Just print off any one of these pictures and show your LFS the metal halide fixtures that don't exist...



I would find a new LFS thats a very common peice of equipment that they dont know about. seems to me something they can make a chunk off of would interest them.!!!


Thanks for sharing about the LFS in ALbuquerque. I used to stop by Coral Island when I was in town, but the last time I was in their new store they really dissapointed me with the selection or lack there of. I thought a bigger store meant more things to see. Not the case.
PS. I asked NM Reef this same question (LFS in Alb) sometime back earlier in the summer, and he told me he's from Southern NM and so he doesnt make it up to Albuquerque hardly and doenst know the stores there, Just an FYI.


Thanks everyone.
Great site alfie. I will check it out.
Good to know that there are other reefers here in Duke City. FYI, Rob is now over at Southwest Reef (on Menaul I think). He used to be with Coral Island but left there. They haven't been open to terribly long but have a good selection. Wasn't much impressed with the LR, but will see if he gets in a better selection.
There's also another SW fish store on Juan Tabo that hasn't been open long. They have some nice fish, but selection somewhat limited. Manager says they are working on more stock. I can get the addy if anyone is interested.
Found a pretty good fish store in Santa Fe on Cerrillos(sp?) Road with a good selection of fish, nice corals, some great LR (bit pricey for the Florida rock).
As you can see, have been doing my homework!
Have gone to Clarks but that was where I got the info on the MH lights. :scared: I like the link to copy a picture. Seriously might do it!


Yep, I've been to the LFS on Juan Tabo.... What he had looked like very good stock but I buy all my fish at Southwest Reef. I've had great luck there. Also just purchased custom hood, with MH and VHO's from Rob for my 125gal. He does the work himself and does a great job. Also picked up some LR from him this past Sunday.. It was pretty nice looking. If you go in, check out the rock on the left side of his LR tank.. Lots of life on it.