where did you get that bright red shroom and what kind is it ??? that thing is SWEET !!!
i have some red ones from here but there more of a brownish red.
i want yours ...lol
or is that pic of your bright red shroom color enhanced on like photo-shop...
Originally Posted by steve24
where did you get that bright red shroom and what kind is it ??? that thing is SWEET !!!
i have some red ones from here but there more of a brownish red.
i want yours ...lol
or is that pic of your bright red shroom color enhanced on like photo-shop...
No photoshop to enhance the color...thats pretty much they way the "were"....after changing over to 400 watt MH's they slowly faded away so I don't have them anymore...but that was their true coloration.
yea, thats the one !!!
would love to find some of those somewhere ...
Evanish, where is phishy business ???
oh, NM Reef.... what kind of price tag were on those ???
In this situation its not a major deal but lets keep reference to and directions to other hobby related sites off the forums here. It is a violation even if a minor one in this case.
the reds I had came on a zooanthid purchase as a hitchhiker...they have aded away in my system but while I had them I did manage to frag out several to relocate in clients tanks and/or for trade to LFS's in my area. I actually still have some in my reef...but the color is more of a dark maroon under my lighting...in the other tanks with less light they still are a brilliant red.
Theres a little one under that one. I'm thinking about getting a red yuma at the new lfs thats only $75 for a polyp. Never seen one like this before. Most yumas go around $100 here for a polyp. I should sell my blue/green one.