NM Reef ?????


Active Member
I know you use Seachem products and have a ? for you. If I am not mistaken you use Reef Advantage Calcium and Reef Builder. If this is correct my question is Do you add equal amounts of each? and Do you do it on the same day?

nm reef

Active Member
Huh...somebody callin' me?!!?
Yup I've used seachems Reef builder & Reef Advantage for about 2 years now none stop. I add 1 level tablespoon of each to a gal of water and drip it into my sump. I also use kalk in the same manner...I have 3 1 gal jugs designated for top-offs. What I do is fairly basic....each evening I mix each container and let it sit over night. I wake very early(even on days when I'm off)...about 3:00 AM I start the kalk on a slow drip rate(normally takes about 12 hours to drip a gal of kalk) then around 4:30 AM I start the Advantage drip...then normally around 5:00 PM or so I start the Builder dripping. Then prior to going to bed I refill each and start the whole process over. At first I used more Advantage than Builder...but after the levels balanced out and became steady I've been able to use the rotation described to maintain levels with little to no fluctuations. It did take time and some trial and error to establish my levels...but once I got them established and started regular additions of kalk they've remained constant.

i like fish

I am using a ton more builder than advantage.
I am also waiting for a good calcium test kit.
In a 125 gallon tank I am adding 6 tsp builder 3 times a week and 3 tsp advantage twice a week, no kalk.
the seatest kits I have read 430 ca and 3.5 alk.
I ordered a Salifert calcium kit from SWF.com, should be here tomorrow!
Do these dosages seem lopsided?

nm reef

Active Member
In a 125 gallon tank I am adding 6 tsp builder 3 times a week and 3 tsp advantage twice a week

Do these dosages seem lopsided?
Not really...I add a level tablespoon of each to a gal of water daily...and my water volume is close to 125 gals total. The numbers you posted (430 cal/3.5 alk) are very close to what I maintain. I have found that regular doses of kalk help maintain and stabalise my levels which may allow me to consistently dose equal amounts.:cool: