

what are your tank specs ( L? W? H? )
I am asking because I have a 100 gal long (72") that I am setting up as a reef. I am trying to decide if I want 2x400w MH
or 3x250 MH
thanks :D

nm reef

Active Member
Mine is 5'...and I went with 2x400 watters....there is a rather large cente brace that made me decide against the origional plan for 3x250 watters.


thanks guys I guess I'm going to stick with the 3x250w plan
I'm making the move into my new house next week so I'll be setting up the 100 gal soon after.


Active Member

Originally posted by avbryce1
thanks guys I guess I'm going to stick with the 3x250w plan
I'm making the move into my new house next week so I'll be setting up the 100 gal soon after.

look into euro bracing. this will rid the tank of the evil cross brace.

nm reef

Active Member
If I had it all to do over again I'd consider a euro braced tank...but there is nothing "evil" about the center brace. Its just a little difficult to work around...not evil...just a minor pain in the arse.:D


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
...and it leaves a "V" shaped shadow in the center.....

Sorry my friend but that's evil

You know how to get rid of that shadow don't ya? Just clean it up and throw a 400 watt 10K right over it.

nm reef

Active Member
LMAO.....I guess evil is in the eye of the beholder....and to clean it up I'd need to scrape a bunch of coraline off the bottom of it.....
I believe I'll just live with evil until the day comes to replace the 100 with a larger display....then maybe I can afford to get something with euro brace instead of center brace...'till then I'll tolerate a lil evil......:D
Besides...the slightly shaded area under the center allows for some placements of less light loving species.......in a mixed reef that can be a good option to have. Especially when the display is relatively shallow and is illuminated with 2x400 MH's...a lil shade is nice.