no airstone??


Ok I saw a thread that someone posted saying "whatever you do, no airstone" I understand about it caking salt all over the glass. But I thought airstone were necessary to any tank??


Active Member
no, they are not neccesay, in sw
in fact, air bubbles can be detrimental to a lot of marine life in particular sponges, some corals and other inverts like seaorses
I think air stones in a salt tank or merely cosmetic rather than actual benefit. The ONLY air stone I have running is the one in a hang-on skimmer. Micro air bubbles can also cloud up your water since it seems that the density of saltwater doesn't allow them to dissipate(sp) all that well cauising air bubbles to whirl around your tank for a while.
But listen to fshhub, he knows better than me :)


Active Member
Bubbles are not needed as long as you have some rippling on the surface for the CO2/oxoygen exchange.


Airstones are pretty much a personal choice with SW tanks. We have a bubble strip in the back of the tank, strictly for looks. They aren't necessary, like everyone is just depends on if you like it!