No bio-balls filtration for aggressive FOWLR???


New Member
Anybody here running an aggressive FOWLR tank without bioballs? I am going to get a wet/dry filter for my 120G but I read that some people just go with a sump and fill it with LR/LS and Calupra plants (sp?) but will that be enough for 120G FOWLR tank?

tony detroit

Active Member
Run the bioballs. Change the filter pad every other week. Do a 10% RO/DI water change every 3rd week and skip the plants and livesand idea. People too lazy to change filterpads and do water changes are the people advocating plants and no bioballs.


how often should you change the filter pad for any wet/dry setup,,,is it still every other week?

tony detroit

Active Member
It does not have to be every other week, but the idea is to get out food particles, etc. before they start to really decay and make for bad water quality. You could go every week, you could go every month, it is more personal preference than anything, but every other week for an overstocked, overfed tank is usually a good way to go.


For all those plant pushers out there I have been able to keep my nitrates at zero. I have a 55 gal tank with 60# of LR and 60# of live sand. For a filter I have a wet/dry filter with a cheap built in skimmer that uses a Rio 800 RVT. I paid around 250 with the mag 5 pump. I found it alot cheaper though. I don't even have any PH's. I feed my fish atleast one a day and have no problems keeping my nitrates down. I really don't know why but this works for me.


Tony when you say change the filter pads every two weeks are you saying to toss them or is it OK to rinse them clean and re-use them . Thanks Peter


my feeling is that there are many, many ways to accomplish the bio-fltration feat. Many hobbyist use bioballs/wet/dry, fluidized bed, LS/LR, the list is endless.
The keys are if you do use mechanical filtration (pads, bags, etc) ensure you clean it frequently, as Tony mentioned you want to clean off or remove the food and waste before it decays. Also if you use CC substrate you should really consider vaccumming it. If you use a DSB, you might want to include a sand bed cleaner.
As for cleaning pads, yes rinse them heavily to remove any decays waste and you can reuse them, Alternative, throw them out. depends on how much $$ you wanna spend.
In a well fed Fo tank expect nitrates and accept them, just ensure you are consistant and diligent in your cleaning and you'll keep them under control.

tony detroit

Active Member
I don't know about desintegrating, but with a couple grand in livestock, I'll replace 7dollar filter pads with new ones myself.


Or you could buy a big bag of filter pad material and cut it into the shape that fits your wet/dry. That's what I do and it saves me a bundle and I have a stack of clean pads ready to go. My tank is pretty overstocked right now so I have to do everything I can to keep the trates under control.



Originally posted by bona42na
Tony when you say change the filter pads every two weeks are you saying to toss them or is it OK to rinse them clean and re-use them . Thanks Peter

All depends on how dirty they get, you be the judge. When I run my ozone these filter floss pads get dirty much faster.
Feeding habits will also determine how fast you change the fitler floss.
Tank cleaning day will have an effect. When I clean the rocks off in my tank I use a power head and some tubing and blow the detritus and debris off of the rocks.
With aggressive fish you may find that you will do it every week or so.
Some times its every week, sometimes its every two weeks for me. Depends on the tank conditions.