No Clue


New Member
I have no clue about clown fish... but I want one...How big of a tank should I get?...what about anemones? just someone please help me thx Clueless :D :help: :happyfish

mr. tuna

Active Member
First of all Welcome! :cheer: :) :D :cheer:
.. In this hobby many of the hobbyists will say RESEARCH!
And That is best thing to do. There are many sites, and books, that you should read like ''clownfishes'' by Joyce Wilkerson.
Good luck. will enjoy the hobby. :)


Welcome aboard

Good tank to start off with is either a 30 gallon or 55 gallon.
You will most likely spend as much on lighiting as you will on the tank+stand+canopy and then some. If you are going for an anemone then I suggest the 55 gallon tank, for lighting for say a BTA bubble tip anemone you will at least need 380 to 440 watts of VHO lighting, the lighting alone would cost near $300 dollars closer to $275. However when talking anemones Metal halide lights are the best, and you can double or triple the cost right there, just to give you and idea.
Spend a few days reading in this forum and in the Reef forum for some ideas, then decide on the size tank you want and we can help you set it up, then If you still want an anemone you should wait until the tank has matured a bit and stablized for about 6 months or a year.
Still want to do this?


New Member
Thanks a lot, I didn't know it would cost so much... I have never had any salt water fish, just goldfish and a few betas, they were just something little and neat looking in my there anyway I could like buy a little tank, like 15-20 gallon and keep it in there for a while and wait until it has gotten used to it. Or do I have to buy a really big tank first... thx again
:D *Clueless* :D
Just so you know, I think that anemones can do just as well in a tank with VHO lighting as they will in a tank with metal halide lighting. I've had my anemone or one of its clones for over 5 years under VHO lighting.
I don't think you will want to try to keep an anemone in any tank smaller than 40 gallons. The reason being that if your levels get out of control there is more room for error when there is more water.
Also try to keep other things before you get the anemone. The clownfish for example. Anemones are hard to keep for most people so don't rush into it.
Yes you can. They are just happier with an anemone.
When I started with salt water my first fish was an ocellaris clownfish in a 20 gallon tank.


New Member
more questions...:D so did you have an anemone when you first got it? Did you just get one fish? How much does everything cost? And is any other salt water fish cheaper to buy everything for or do you just have to buy the same things?
thx cL


Active Member
You basically have to buy the same things:
and lights, but the lights do not have to be strong if there are no photosynthetic corals or animals, like anemones. With just the fish, you can just use the kind of lights like for freshwater.


New Member
I just want something little in my room, With a 20 long plus all of the other things I need, how much would that stuff cost?
thx cL
:cheer: :D


Active Member
Off the top of my head maybe $300-375. That is if you just get the regular normal output lights. Do you know what kind of clown you want in there? Just like the one if Finding Nemo?


that is an ocellaris or false percula also u dont have to make it a reef tank if u dont want to and not get live rock


Active Member
You should really get LR. It helps with the biological filtration and gives the clownfish a place to hide and call home.


New Member
yeah ok thx a lot but I have to save my money... I might get one in awhile. Does anyone know anything about bubble eyed goldfish?
Thx cL