No Coraline Growth


I seem not to be able to grow coraline algae in my tank. The only thing thats has any is some of the LR I put in 18m0 ago. Ca is 370 ALK is 3.0. I have pics but there to big to add on. (no clue on how to make smaller) any ideas?


calcium is a little low. try scraping the live rock with coraline on it with a brush or knife, to help spread the algae.


Active Member
How often do you perform water changes and do you keep the salinity constant between 1.024-1.026 (for a reef)? What kind of salt are you using? Do you have true LR? Your photoperiod (lights) should also be constant as far as when they turn on and off or at least make sure they are on for 8-12 hours at somepoint in the day. What kind of lights do you have and when did you last change the bulbs?


On a related note, does the Purple Up product help with this sort of thing? The lady at the LFS was telling me that I might want to use it. Does it really work?


I have tried a whole bottle of purple up and nothing! For me it was a waste ofmoney. WHat seemed to help was the DIY two part solutionof Cal and Alk. Now coraline covers my backglass, powerheads, and my LR.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chub
I seem not to be able to grow coraline algae in my tank. The only thing thats has any is some of the LR I put in 18m0 ago. Ca is 370 ALK is 3.0. I have pics but there to big to add on. (no clue on how to make smaller) any ideas?
For you picture, download "infranview" for free. Go to edit, reshape/resize and type in 500. It will automatically change it and then save the pic and upload here under "manage attachments"


I just added T5 lights today right now there on for 9hrs. I use reef crystals and I do 10% water changes every 10-14 days


I used the 2 part B-Ionics and time. Tank is now covered. It seems the balance you get on a constant level helps alot. Once you get the coralline started, scrapping some and letting it float around does help alot also. Good luck!