No filter aggressive


Does anyone here keep their aggressive tank like a reef tank? I mean no filter material in the filters and only using LR, Refugium, LS, Skimmer and only using cnaister and hang on filters for water circulation. I am going to try it as I have had it with battling cyno and hair algae they have taken over. So I am going to fight back and run my aggressive like my reef tank. All water parameters are fine except nitrates. I have reduced feedings and change 15% of the water weekly to no avail. I have no problems with my reef tank so it's time for action.
Refugiums Rule!!!! ;)


Personally I think your crazy.....Putting agressives in with no other filters then that......probly not goin to work, they creat so much waste! Wait for some more opinions.... Evan


Yes Treble is right, water quality isnt as important, more so, nitrates aren't as important in an aggressive setup so its better to have heavy filtration. Reef setups like you said are meant to keep nitrates at a minimum and also work best with a light fish load.


Also having a refugium in ADDITION to the normal aggressive tank filtration will only help, especially with algae control. But just not stand alone.


I will keep everyone posted on the results. I am going to go with just vaccuming detrieus and water changes along with the refugium and skimmer and LR. ;)


Am I ok with my setup? My filtration is remora skimmer pro, 5 inch dsb, 30lbs live rock, and lots of water movement. I also have a emperor 400 with only one carbon cartridge in.