No foam from skimmer


Active Member
I bought a used MRC MR-1 skimmer and after 24 hours it still isn't producing any foam. The instructions said to wait 24 hours, but I know that sometimes it can take several days to 'break in' the skimmer. Does this several day break in time include used skimmers? Should I just wait a day or two before panicking? The guy who had it before me was using a Mag 18, but I picked up a Mag 12 for it which is one of the pumps MRC suggests using with it.


I would wait a few days, it took a few days for mine to produce skimmate.


Active Member
often with used skimmers people try to toss a ghetto detail job on them and make them look good for photos.
Could just have some residue left over preventing skimate from reaching cup. Give it some time. Its a great skimmer so I am sure its just taking its sweet time.


Active Member
Cool, thanks. I checked this morning and it seemed to be producing more bubbles then it was yesterday so that seems like a step in the right direction.