NO-ICH from Fishvet



Has anyone had any experience treating ICH with No-Ich from Fishvet ?
My puffers eyes are cloudy and has small white spots. I know he has ICH... and I dont have a QT and I dont want to kill me snails/LR/crabs with Copper. I am concerned that my other fish will get ICH also and wondering if No-ich will just kill all ICH in my tank.


I understand that ICH is now in my tank and it can and will spread based on the immune system of my other fish. I just dont have a good game plan at this point and I wanted some feedback on this product called No-Ich. Has anyone used this product ?


If no one is responding about it, it probably doesn't work. The only ich product I've really ever had do anything for me was stop parasite, but it'll only knock it off your fish and won't prevent it from coming back. Some fish also have really violent reactions to it from my experience, which is what finally got me to do things right and do hypo. You should read into doing hypo, it's not as bad as it sounds.


New Member
I have used that No-Ich and it worked in my reef tank. Blue tang had ich and he is all better now after about 2 weeks worth of treatment. Just follow the directions on the bottle. It didnt bother none of my reef inhabitants, corals or live rock. Its been a month with no signs of ich comming back. Fish look as healthy as ever. My local reef store said thats what they use in their 400G reef tank.