no "ich" parasite product!

mr . salty

Active Member
Save your money and just pour blueish green water into your tank,,,You will get the same results.I have tried this product twice with the same results(NONE)....
[ August 11, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


try the garlic method, search garlic on the search engine on this site and i am sure you will get all the info you need. Dave


Active Member
Ditto for me tried it twice and it was a waste of money. tried its sister product Kick-Ick and it also did nothing (and neither as those who have bought the stuff is cheap). I am still looking for the magic Reef tank Ick cure as fas a medicine (thank god I have had no problems in my reef, but I would like to have a back up in case- and as of yet have found none). Garlic I have tried and frankly do not find that great a cure either (don't post me I realize some have had great luck with it- I did not).


New Member
Tried Kick-It myself, actually had good results. You have to follow the directions closely and make sure that you pull your carbon and shut down your protien skimmer. It took about two weeks, however not one fish died and the infected one is doing great. Didn't affect my reef at all... :cool:


Active Member
I had heard some good reports about kick-ick and after no luck with no ick I bought a bottle of Kick-Ick tried it with no luck. If I were going to go with one of the two again tho it would be the kick-Ick. There are so many factors involved in medicating you are never going to get everyone to agree what is best only what does not seem to work.


Active Member
Personaly speaking, i get good results with Kents, RX-P. Like previously said, when using any medication, the directions must be followed to the tee or they usually will not be effective. I know, in the past i tried to use short cuts to rid my tank of ick but always ended up right where i started. HTH


I tried RxP and it did not work too well. I also heard that it affects mushrooms anyway. My best experience has been with garlic. I do not know though of the effects of garlics (if any) in the long run... but it worked.


Active Member
In my reef, the brown and green shrooms went uneffected. The only thing i would not use it with would be starfish and sea apples and the such. Also, if this med is tried, i suggest treating for thirten days- add carbon for a day to pull all meds out and repeat the treatment for thirteen more days. That way the entire ick cycle is covered (supposedly).
Anyway, that is what has worked for me in the past in my reef tank.