no kalk for me, please.


Every time I start to drip kalk, my Calcium shoots up to 500 and my alkalinity sinks, not dangerously, but noticably.
I thought kalk was supposed to stabilize both????
Anyone have a clue why this may be happening?


your only using the clear part of the solution right?and not letting the dust on the bottom of the container enter your tank.i'm pretty sure that if this happens it will deplete your alk.



Originally posted by wrassie86
your only using the clear part of the solution right?and not letting the dust on the bottom of the container enter your tank.i'm pretty sure that if this happens it will deplete your alk.

Right, not the stuff on top, Caco3, or the stuff on bottom, CaO or Ca OH, just the stuff in middle in solution

bang guy

Never heard of that.
What brand are you using?
Are you using Seachem salt or buffer?
Are you using any other Calcium additives?
How old are your test kits?
What is your Magnesium level?


I am using Ball pickling lime, 2 teaspoons in 2.5 gallons RO/DI water.
After I do my weekly test, and find the alk slipping, this time from 4 meq/l to 2.75, I change the drip to water with seachem reef builder and that raises the alk back where I like it .
In one week thought, the calcium went from 430 to 500with the above kalk drip!!! Guess I'm not consuming much, but coraline is busting out all over. I only have softies, though.
I'm thinking I should give up kalk permanently. Too bad, it's so inexpensive and virtuous.


Oh, sorry,
test kits are recent, about a month old Saliferts'
Never tested for magnesium.
I do 10% water changes weekly, except last week when I did a 20%. I don't think Mag is wacky, because I haven't had a precipitation event, and I am replenishing Mag with the water changes, aren't I? I'm using Oceanic salt, RO/DI water.
but I'll see if I have a Magnesium test kit in my stash of fish stuff.
I don't add anything else except fish food. And sparingly, as I'm still fighting the red hair algae. My fish used to be picky about what they would eat, now they suck down anything I offer. I hope I am not being too sparing with the food....
What's happening to my alk, and why doesn't kalk drip maintain it?

bang guy

Just a guess, but I think your tank is deficient in Carbon dioxide so Carbonate isn't being formed by the limewater. Try dripping the limewater into the intake of your skimmer and just drip it overnight.


Interesting idea, Guy, I do have only 3 small fish and a shrimp in there for CO2 generators.
I always drip kalk at night into the skimmer. (I been paying attention!)

bang guy

That's not it then. There's no way the inside of a skimmer will be deficient in CO2.
My next, less likely guess is that you had a high phosphate level. Hydroxide will react with Phosphate and precipitate out of solution. This would eat up your Carbonate and lower your Phosphate but the symptoms should stop as soon as your PO4 level is low.


You might have something there. In the past month I've had 2 crabs and a firefish vaporize with no trace, one small fish expire due to high temps when I was out of town, and a shrimp die of old age I think...lotta death going on, not all of which was I able to remove. Nitrates have been running a tad high as a result, so why shouldn't phosphates? That would do it! Thanks, Guy, mystery solved!:)