no micro bubbles from a skimmer?

30 hex

i hate micro bubbles. :mad: I would love to know which protine skimmer is the best for making the least :p How is the prizim hang on in this case? it seems that everyone likes berlin but is it overkill for 30 gal.?


Active Member
I have a prizm skimmer on my 45g fowlr tank. I think it does a great job, now. At first, until the skimmer was broken in (about two weeks for me) it did emit some micro bubbles. After that no bubbles at all, just alot of sludge :D You have to adjust it a little at a time at first, but now no adjusting at all. I would reccomend it, especially on smaller tanks. HTH


I have an Remora pro with a pre-filter. No microbubbles, however, it would be too big for your tank! The smaller version the Remora C (I think it is called) might work. You can also purchase a prefilter for it.