no more shark and eel


I have realized that there is so much more i can do with my 125gal than just keep a coral catshark and a SFE. They both would kill everything i tries to put in the tank(im thinking it was mostly the eel). And there is just so much u can do with a shark in that tank. So i traded in my shark and eel to the LFS, I got a baby clown trigger, a cow fish and one of those blue yellow tailed groupers...All the fish are about an inch or so long. The only other thing i want in the tank is some type of puffer or a tang. What do u think about that combo?


so there is no way i should get a unicorn tang? I had doubts about the cowfish too but the guys at the lfs(which actually are usually good) said i wouldnt have a problem. Any other good tankmates for the clown? Other triggers? Angels? Thanks for the replies


Active Member
Originally Posted by CDubbs
so there is no way i should get a unicorn tang? I had doubts about the cowfish too but the guys at the lfs(which actually are usually good) said i wouldnt have a problem. Any other good tankmates for the clown? Other triggers? Angels? Thanks for the replies

flame agel are BEAUTIFUL bit questionable when iy comes to reefs

shark bait

go with a mappa puffer. you can get them small and you can feed them silversides by hand. the trigger is an eating machine so what every your put in neds to be able to get food.


Active Member
Any LFS that actually said you could keep a cowfish with a clown a 125 no less... IMO, is suspect.
I would go with a different trigger if you want to have any hope of keeping other fish. I would not personally do a naso, unicorn, vlamingi tang as they will need, IMO, a larger tank. Other types of tangs would be more suitable.


heres a good list
passer angel
volitan lion
red coris wrasse
miniatus grouper
regal tang
dogface puffer that sounds like a good compatible list doesnt it


Originally Posted by surfinusa
heres a good list
passer angel
volitan lion
red coris wrasse
miniatus grouper
regal tang
dogface puffer that sounds like a good compatible list doesnt it
Yeah, that's a great list...
...for a much bigger tank.
Not a single one of those fish would be suitable for a 125gal.


ok thanks for the info everyone..even though all these guys are small and will hopefully grow up together, u still dont think the clown trigger is a good idea? I see alot of tanks on this site with clowns and all different fish, like tangs and lions and puffers.. Thanks again


oh yeah i forgot to tell what i have decided on and got for the tank.. i have the small clon trigg, the small cowfish, a vol lion(about 3-4 inches) a dogface puffer(about 3 inches) and a hippo tang(-3 inches) of now i dont see any nipping or any signs of nipping..Everyone in the tank is eating whenever i feed them(even the lion). what do u think?


Active Member
I think eventually it will fail. I think it is extremely unlikely that it will work long term. And when it goes bad, I think it will go very bad.

shark bait

Originally Posted by AW2EOD
Yeah, that's a great list...
...for a much bigger tank.
Not a single one of those fish would be suitable for a 125gal.

I second this!! all get to big over time. You must plan to keep the fish, not bring them back when they get to big. I have had to change the size of my tank twice to allow the fish I want to keep.


ok i see what u 2 mean..but they will last for a long time in the 125 cause they are all tiny. And when the time comes i want to upgrade to around a 300-500 gallon tank...Do u think they will be able to live in there for around a year? Thanks for the replies


Active Member
My suggestion is always if you are definitely planning on getting the bigger tank...then wait until then to get these sorts of fish. If you are getting it, then why risk the transfer of the fish? Just wait, and use the list as motivation to save money. "When the time comes" is too indefinite, IMO, to wait on.
Having said that, I still believe that things like clown triggerfish will always be a risk to keep.