No Phospate so why so much hair algea?


My 75g tank is now 4 weeks old. I was gone last week and the tank got covered in hair algea. I added a lawnmower blenny, 4 emerad crabs and 3 turbo snails. They have really cleaned it up. I tested for phospates as suggested by others, but the test results should no phospates (i used ro water). My question is what created the algea bloom? Also, do I need to suplement the blenny's diet with something besides hair algea?


IMO a phosphate test of 0 doesnt mean that you dont have any phosphates, all it means is that all the phosphates in the tank are being consumed for algae growth therefore it tests for zero. Do you have a skimer? A fuge? Tell us more about your setup and what type of algae you have.


A newly cycled tank may have nutrient levels that encourages algae blooms. As your tank matures & stabilized it should diminish. Let your cleanup crew do it's thing & everything should be fine.


I don't have a protien skimmer hooked up yet. I'm in the process of building a sump to place it in. The algea is getting eaten so fast I'm worried the crabs, blenny and snail won't have much to eat in a few days?


Don't worry that is a really small clean up crew for a 75 gallon so they should have stuff to eat....if u still think it looks to clean and they seem skinner u can get spirula flakes and put a few in there for them to eat


Active Member
They sell these sheets of dried seaweed called Nori (you can get it at a health food or oriental market). You can put strips of this in your tank for them to eat if you do not have algae growing in the tank. The blennie may or may not eat it. I had one starve because it wouldn't eat the type of algae in my tank (it was hair algae in my tank, the blennie wouldn't touch it).


Thanks for the advice, I thought it was a small crew for a 75, although the bleeny is about 4 inches long....all he does is eat the algea off the back glass. He is a character. I think the emerald crabs have slowed down their eating....they must have been underfed at the pet store.