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well i just put a foxface in my tank on thursday, the first day it was fine, grazing on algae, moving throughout the tank, however yesterday it disappeared, i found it in a rock in its stress colors, and it stayed there all day, well its not been out today but once, and i'm getting worried, any ideas on what's wrong?


i acclimated for 2-3 hours, i dont think its my parameters as much, because my other fish are fine, and i have no algae, the starfish and crab i added the same day are doing excellent and its not a new tank, the tank has been set up for almost 3 years, but i do believe its the other fish the tank, mainly my tomato clown..
the tomato clown was the first fish in the tank when i set it up, and she is quite aggressive, she has bullied and killed other fish i've tried to put in, i put in 5 chromi at the beginning of the summer, and when i noticed them coming up missing one by one, i started watching my tank for awhile, and noticed the tomato being very aggressive, and i saw frayed fins, but now i only have one chromis left and they get along fine..
i wasnt too worried about putting the foxface in tho, b/c the foxface is twice the clown's size, and i was watching the tank yesterday and didnt see the tomato chase the foxface at all...


I put one in my tank 2 weeks ago and it turned a grey color and hide in the back of my tank for 3 days. The fourth day he was swimming around and now thinks he owns the tank. I wouldn't worry, the stress of the ride home and new environment is probably why he is shy. Give him time and I think all will be well. Maybe cut back lighting for a few days.


Active Member
Foxface seem real skittish...Mine did the same thing, swims around all the time now...I added a Lawnmower Friday...THe foxface hid for awhile and came back out...( I hope the new tank cycles soon....getting WAY to crowded in the other....)