No skimmer?


New Member
Who else has a f/o with l/r and a sump and does not use a skimmer?
I have a 90 gal. with a 20 gal wet/dry sump, about 50lbs. live rock, 2-3'' live sand, no skimmer or uv. no other filters. I have been running my tank this way for close to 2 years with 0 problems. When I first started out 6 years ago in this hobby I had cannister filters, uv lights, hang on filters, carbon, a skimmer and everything else that you could spend money on. As things kept breaking and I got tired of spending money I slowly started doing away with one item at a time till I am where I am now. I do 30% water changes every 4-6 weeks or more often if my test readings aren't where I want them to be. Seems to work for me.
1-Cinnamon clown
1- Orange skunk clown
3- Yellowtail damsels
2- Green chromis
1- Javanese damsel
1- Coral beauty


Active Member
quite a few people dont use skimmer in fowlr. with it, u get cleaner water. as long as u keep up with maintenance and testing, then u r fine without a skimmer.


Active Member
Like many other things, it works in some cases and not for others. But it is not unusual overall. However your tank is very lightly stocked, IMO, all considering, so that is critical to success of this sort of plan


I have a 100g with 2 big aggresive fish and 2 eels. All i have is a wet dry system and nothing else. Only problem i have (if you can call it that) is my nitrates are hovering around 40. I do a 20% water change once a month and that's it.


Active Member
i have 125 fowlr i use rena filter(canister) and aquaclear hob filter(just for more flow.
200+lbs LR
porc puffer
4 silver scats
midus blenny
bird wrasse
2 false percs