
I have been wanting to buy a eel very badly for my reef tank and PEOPLE wont stop telling me their ANY ANY other eel that is doable other then a snowflake.....?


I have a green conger eel, just got him a few days ago, I am pretty sure he is reef safe, only gets to 18in. he is really cool, except he ate a couple chromis, other than that he is awesome


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Somewhat, however they have less than a 5% survival percentage in captivity, and they can be very reclusive.
Are you sure that is correct for the ghost ribbon? I was under the impression they were fairly doable, but the blue ribbon is very difficult.


Active Member

Originally Posted by usirchchris
Are you sure that is correct for the ghost ribbon? I was under the impression they were fairly doable, but the blue ribbon is very difficult.
You could be right Chris, however this is straight from wetwebmedia regarding ribbon eels...they do not however mention the Ghost....its written by Fenner.
Rhinomuraena species, the Ribbon Moray Eels. Ninety nine percent plus do not live a month in captivity. Most starve, refusing all food. Next most common category of loss is escape through the smallest of top openings, or plumbing. Last is "simple stress".
The written record shows some people's success with netting food and eel together and shaking, training on select live skewered items; but most black to blue to all yellow female ribbon morays perish within a short while. You've been cautioned.

BTW, its Moors....Not Moops, there is no such thing as the Moops


...well im glad that you guys settled that XD
anyways if all other eels are too expensive is their any other fish that is reefsafe but a carnivor?(ex is a leaf fish)


BTW, its Moors....Not Moops, there is no such thing as the Moops
Seinfeld fans are good people


Active Member
I have a White Eyed Moray that I've been thinking of moving out. He nas never bothered a cleaner shrimp or a Damsel. So not sure about reef Safe, but I trust him with anything.


I had a barred moray eel that was great. Very similar temperament to my snowflake. You will run into the same issues as with any eel in a reef (mainly that they will eat your small shrimp/crabs). But, other than that, it won't bother your corals.


I have been paying alot of attention to this thread because I am also interested in an eel, probem is I love the inverts also. Is the snowflake the easiest one to put with the inverts in the tank? I have room for one tank and that is it, so it seems like it is either one or the other. But I think I read about a goby that looks like an eel? Or maybe I am wrong? But this is good info to know for sure.


That is right, wolf eel blenny! I need to research those, anyway not trying to hijack the thread, just looking for the same info as reef_dart.


Well nevermind, wolf eels are not good with small fish or inverts. I guess eels are out of the question for me I am going with inverts unless people have success with snowflakes. I think they are pretty cool.


Well forget the wolf eel, not good for a reef at all, so I guess I will stick with inverts. Unless anyone has had success with a snowflake and inverts together?


Hey mp32,
your thinking of the engineer goby which grows about foot length, loves to dig, black with yellowish stripes, as well as the love for digging tunnels.......i know this because i have one but be careful because u must have your rocks secure or you rocks will collapse ruducing your reef to nothing


Ok so I wasn't thinking wrong, I thought there was a goby that was kind of like an eel. Thanks