No substrate?


I was thinking about re-doing a 55 gallon and making it into a reef tank. I was reading in a book that reef tanks can do very well without any substrate at all.
I was planning on setting up a jet system under a raised plastic grate. That way, the live rocks sit suspended and all the droppings get jetted back up to be filtered out. The goal is zero Nitrates.
Is anyone running such system?


I too read from forum posts and articles about running a reef tank with no substrate. Me, I use a deep sand bed.


Active Member
A lot of SPS keepers are going BB. I've thought about it but haven't decided to take the plunge yet from a DSB to BB. Most of the time starboard is placed on the bottom of BB tank.


I have bare bottom and love it, so very easy to clean:joy: I also have enough rock so that it is stacked starting at the front bottom and angling up to the top back


Hey Legion,
Glad to hear about your bare bottom:)
Do you run a refugium with it? In order to have the benefits of sand anyway?