Noisy Overflow


That side of the prefilter looks ok. The noise is from the back however. Overflows are be noisy.
One of the easiest solutions is simply putting a loose cover over the back of the box (the part outside of the tank). HD, Lowes, etc sell thin (1/8") 8x10 acrylic sheet pieces. cut one of those, and lay a piece over the box. That helps a lot.
Other, more interesting things can be done. One I've tried that works really well is the "Durso Standpipe". A Guy named Richard Durso has a web page with designs for various types of standpipes. Theres one on there for hang-on overflows also. Check it out.
IF you have as much as a hack saw, a drill, and 20 minutes, you can build one of these silencers.
Good luck