Non-anemone Perc hosting


New Member
Anyone here have any luck with thier true percs hosting in corals like frogspawn or hairy mushrooms or polyps? I want to find a good host that likes PC lighting.


Staff member
They will host, but encouraging this may not always be the best thing since corals/polyps don't particularly appreciate the host. I've had leathers and other soft corals take a dive due to the pestering of 1 single clownfish.

payton 350

my 2 false percs finally have started hosting....of all things a patch of hair algae......had them since juvi's and it's been about a year before they have found interest in hosting besides staying by the powerheads...go figure


Active Member
frogspawns and hammers are best from what i've seen, little bother to the coral. also gsp