Non attaching anemone


New Member
Someone gave me an anemone that they were tired of never attaching. They had it for about 4 months. He was going to throw it away and I couldn't let that happen.
I put it in on my live rock and it fell off and laid on the bottom. I tried several times, then just left it on the bottom. It floated around from side to side. Sometimes blown up, other times not.
One day I thought it dead and I went to take it out I realized it was alive. I then put it in my smaller tank to keep an eye on it. It has been in there for about a month and still has not attached.
It seems happy, but never attaches. Sometimes it actually floats just above the bottom. Could it's foot be deformed or injured? Any thoughs?



Active Member
How established is both tanks ? What lighting do both tanks have . Also which species is the anemone ?


Active Member
something in the anemones environment is not making him happy. Maybe there is too much or too little flow. Is there a clown in the tank that is maybe harrassing it? Has it eaten for you yet? What color is it. It is not normal for it to float around like that.
Usually if the foot is hurt/damaged, it will still attach but the anemone will slowly perish. Unless you see a big tear or 'infected looking tissue' on the foot, I wouldnt say thats the reason for this.


New Member
Power compact lighting, the bigger tank has been up and running for about 4 years with fish only. The smaller tank is about a year old. I have other anemones in both tanks and they are doing great. It has a white foot and tan with pink tip tentacles. I do have a clown in each tank. I have not seen them bothering it.
Now flow could be the issue. How much flow should I have?