Non-Dwarf Angelfish caterogy....Angelfish caterogy.

I have had a experience by having Majestic Angelfish (juv) in my 29 gallon and that was 17 years ago. Now I want to know whether any of you ever having any problem keeping any Large Angelfish caterogy (Juv) in a small tank mating with any of Dwarf Angelfish?
Let's say an example....
One- two-three inch Emperor Juv
One- Two-three inch Flame
one- two-three inches Annualis
one- two-three inches Coral Beauty or BiColor
One- two inch Cherub
One- two-three inch French or Queen
and other examples.....
How would they get along especially on small tank such as 30 gallon range. Would this create any form of stress on either one? ( I want to keep stress to a miniumal-level to avoid any disease outbreaks!)


Hmmmm...Now I have some questions for you. Are you actually haveing this happen? Do you plan on trying to breed them? It's not what nature intended. I dont think it will work very well either. You can keep two different angelfish and I dont think they will breed. 29 gal. might be too small my angel likes to swim a lot and he's the only angel in the tank.(55 gal)
I am not for the spawn mating :D <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" /> <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> HA LOL!
Anyway Reason of asking is because Angelfish is one of my favorite. This is just for a color combination to enhance some beauties from my tanks. I have 2- 29 gallon and one 55 gallon which is reason why that I can be able to keep a few of angelfishes in seperate tanks. I think y'all are making a good point and more sense. It is better off to keep one dwarf in each 29 gallon. and one/one dwarf/angelfish in 55 and larger.
Anyone ever experience keeping pair Cherub in small tank for a real spawn mating? (One male and one female the lesser chance of fighting?) They cannot grow more than three inches which would make a fit size for 29 gallon.