Non fish related, macro shots.


Active Member
Been working on my macro skills, lately and found these little guys at work.

Here are just some other, random shots, using macro.
1/4" long, white fuzzy mushrooms

Very small, juvenile Wolf Spider (maybe 3/4" - 1" across)

My little Moth buddy (no idea what species)

Hope you guys like. :D


Active Member
Thanks for all the compliments, guys!!

HSanchez, I'm shooting with an Olympus C-8080 and no, I was not using a tripod.
This is fantastic camera and I'll swear by Olympus (best brand of camera, period, in my book). I'm planning on putting this one up for sale within the next month or two, and purchasing the Olympus Evolt E-500.


Active Member
I knew moths were hairy.. but those shots show you how hairy those crazy things are.
Go to the light my friend!


NM can you check your settings on the G-5 and let me know what you are using.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
NM can you check your settings on the G-5 and let me know what you are using.
Thomas...I used the macro function in auto mode....additional info is:
shutter speed-1/500 sec
focal length-20.7mm
no flash
hand held